FOCUS provides service and supplies spare parts and support for all EFMs ever built since 1990.
Crucibles and Barrel Connectors

A wide selection of crucible materials and sizes ensures the optimum choice for each material and quantity of evaporant.
All standard sizes fit the EFM 2, EFM 3/3s and the EFM 4.
The EFM 3T/3Ts and the EFM 3i accept crucibles of smaller than 8 mm outer diameter.
For evaporation from crucibles, the source should be mounted almost horizontal or preferably pointing slightly upwards.
The crucible can be exchanged or refilled by just opening one NW 16 CF flange at the rear of the evaporator.
Special crucibles with respect to size and material are available on request.
To find out the suitable crucible dimensions for your evaporator please refer to the survey table.
For more information see the related brochure.